Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Exchange 2013 Managed Availability

In Exchange 2013, native, built-in monitoring and recovery actions are included in a feature called Managed Availability. Managed Availability is the integration of built-in, active monitoring and the Exchange 2013 high availability platform, allowing Exchange to make a determination on when to fail over a database based on service health.

To view the health of a server, you use the cmdlets Get-ServerHealth to retrieve the raw health data and Get-HealthReport that operates on the raw health data and provides a snapshot of the health.

This example returns the server health for server MBX1:
Get-ServerHealth MBX1

The following examples return a report on the health of the server. The second cmdlet narrows this report to the Store process:
Get-ServerHealth | Get-HealthReport
Get-ServerHealth | Where {$_.HealthSetName -eq “Store”} | Get-HealthReport

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Exchange Online Service Description Updated

Yesterday (April 17th) Microsoft updated the Exchange Online Service Description and added the following new items:

Additionally, the latest customer feedback has also been incorporated throughout all the service description topics.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Exchange 2013 Help Files Updated for CU1

The Exchange 2013 Help files (.chm) have been updated on April 4th with updates for Cumulative Update 1.
Here you can download the help files for both Exchange Server 2013 Hybrid and On-Premise deployments.

Exporting Queue Messages

When exporting messages from a Queue, you need to use the AssembleMessage script. For example, if you want to export the message with message ID 6789 from the letsexchange.com queue on server MBX1, you need to run the following cmdlet:
Export-Message MBX1\letsexchange.com\6789 | AssembleMessage -Path "D:\Messages\Message6789.eml"

To export all messages from a Queue into individual .eml files, use the following script (which you can convert to a one-liner):
Get-Message -Queue "MBX1\letsexchange.com" | ForEach {
  # Build message path and filename with the Internet Message ID as the file name
  $Temp = "D:\Messages\" + $_.InternetMessageID + ".eml"
  $Temp = $Temp.Replace("<", "_")
  $Temp = $Temp.Replace(">", "_")
  # Export the message using
  Export-Message $_.Identity | AssembleMessage -Path $Temp