Thursday, August 28, 2014

Get-LogonStatistics in Exchange 2013

The Get-LogonStatistics cmdlet is used to retrieve logon statistics about currently active sessions such as user name, logon time, last access time and client version for example.
As you can see from the next screenshot, the Get-LogonStatistics cmdlet is still present in Exchange 2013 all the way to the latest CU5:

However, if you actually try to use it, you will get an error similar to the following:
The specified mailbox "DB01" doesn't exist.
  + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-LogonStatistics], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
  + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXAIO,RequestId=361f29b3-6474-4aad-a43e-111fe3af86b2,TimeStamp=07/08/2014 14:42:08] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-ManagementObjectNotFoundException] 83C28CB1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.GetLogonStatistics
  + PSComputerName        :

Cannot find LogonStatistics objects from the root 'DB01'. Please make sure that you specified the correct search root and that you have the correct permissions to perform the search.
  + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-LogonStatistics], MapiOperationException
  + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXAIO,RequestId=ebda72ad-ce19-443e-95bf-6b417cd14d7e,TimeStamp=07/08/2014 14:42:18] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-MapiOperationException] 3962F04B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.GetLogonStatistics
  + PSComputerName        :

The reason for this error is that this cmdlet has been deprecated in Exchange 2013 since RTM! According to Microsoft, “Get-LogonStatistics is no longer supported by Exchange 2013. The cmdlet and documentation will eventually be removed.”
The documentation mentioned above refers to a couple of TechNet articles that still mentioned the cmdlet. However, these now seem to have been removed.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Exchange 2013 Loose Truncation

Loose Truncation is a new feature that was introduced in Exchange 2013 Service Pack 1. Its purpose is to prevent possible disk space issues that can occur in environments with DAGs when one or more copies of a database is offline for an extended period of time. When enabled, loose truncation changes the “normal” truncation behavior. Each database copy tracks its own free disk space and starts to truncate transaction log files independently if the available disk space falls behind a set threshold configurable by the administrator.

To continue reading, please check the full Exchange 2013 Loose Truncation article at