Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Message Tracking Report

New to Exchange 2013, the Get-MessageTrackingReport cmdlet is used to return data for a specific message tracking report.
This cmdlet, used by the delivery reports feature, requires you to specify the ID for the message tracking report you want to view. Therefore, first you need to use the Search-MessageTrackingReport cmdlet to find the message tracking report ID for a specific message. You then pass the report ID to the Get-MessageTrackingReport cmdlet.
Note that you need to be assigned permissions before you can run this cmdlet. You will not have access to some of its parameters if the account used is not a member of one of the following groups: Organization Management, Records Management or Recipient Management.
This first example gets the message tracking report for messages sent from one user to another and returns the summary of the message tracking report for a message that Alice Jones sent to John Richardson:
$Temp = Search-MessageTrackingReport “Alice Jones” -Recipients “johnr@letsexchange.com”
Get-MessageTrackingReport $Temp.MessageTrackingReportID -ReportTemplate Summary
  • The ReportTemplate parameter specifies a predefined format for the output. You can either return a summary for all recipients or a detailed tracking report for one recipient using one of the following values: RecipientPath or Summary.
The second example gets the message tracking report for the following scenario: a user named Nuno Mota was expecting an e-mail message from joe@domain.com that never arrived. He contacted the Help Desk, which generated a message tracking report on behalf of Nuno returning detailed troubleshooting information for the specific recipient path:
Search-MessageTrackingReport “Nuno Mota” -Sender “joe@letsexchange.com” -ByPassDelegateChecking -DoNotResolve | ForEach {Get-MessageTrackingReport $_.MessageTrackingReportID -DetailLevel Verbose -BypassDelegateChecking -DoNotResolve -RecipientPathFilter "nunom@domain.com" -ReportTemplate RecipientPath}
  • The BypassDelegateChecking switch allows Help Desk staff and administrators to retrieve message tracking reports for any user. By default, each user can only see the message tracking reports for messages sent or received by the user. When using this switch, Exchange allows administrators to view message tracking reports for messages exchanged among other users.
  • The DoNotResolve switch prevents the resolution of e-mail addresses to display names. This improves performance, but the end result may not be as easy to interpret because it is missing the display names.
  • The DetailLevel parameter specifies the amount of detail to be displayed for the message tracking report. You can use one of the following values: Basic or Verbose. If you specify Basic, simple delivery report information is displayed, which is more appropriate for information workers. If you specify Verbose, full report information is displayed, including server names and physical topology information.
  • The RecipientPathFilter parameter specifies the recipient for which the command returns the detailed tracking report. This parameter is used when using the RecipientPath report template.

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