Thursday, June 27, 2013

Differences Between FOPE and EOP

When customers using Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE) are upgraded to Exchange Online Protection (EOP), including Exchange Online and FOPE-standalone customers, there are behavior changes and feature differences to take note of, such as:
Quarantine access - In FOPE, end users and administrators could access the FOPE quarantine. In EOP, only administrators can access the EOP quarantine in the Exchange admin center. However, end users can self-manage their own spam-quarantined messages via end-user spam notifications;
Deferral notifications - FOPE could be configured to notify an administrator if an inbound message was deferred by the service. EOP does not currently have deferral notifications;
Multiple domain support - In FOPE, you used virtual domains to configure policy rules to apply to a specific group and route messages to a specific site. In EOP, you can route messages to a specific site by using transport rules and connectors. For instance, you can create an Outbound connector with criteria based routing enabled to deliver messages to a specific site. You can select this connector for use in a transport rule that is triggered based on a particular attribute in the transport rule predicate, such as the City property type;
Directory synchronization - The Office 365 DirSync tool replaces the FOPE DirSync tool;
Directory-Based Edge Blocking - In FOPE, the Directory-Based Edge Blocking feature enables administrators to reject email going to non-existent users in their organization rather than accept the message and try to deliver it or send it to the spam quarantine. In EOP, Directory-Based Edge Blocking is currently not supported;
Partner and reseller administration - If you are a Microsoft partner or reseller, and you sell EOP to your customers, you can request permission to administer their account within the Office 365 admin center. This is known as delegated administration, and it allows you to configure their EOP settings as if you were an administrator within their organization. (In the new Office 365, there isn’t a separate user interface for company administration.);
Connection filter IP Allow list - In FOPE, the IP Allow list was respected end-to-end only for single IP addresses. EOP's IP Allow list is respected end-to-end for single IP addresses and CIDR ranges from /32 to /24. For example,;
FOPE connectors and spam filtering - When you created or edited a FOPE connector, you could make selections to bypass spam filtering and policy-rule filtering. In EOP, you can't configure a connector to bypass filtering. Instead, Microsoft recommends that you use the connection filter's IP Allow list to bypass all spam and policy filtering;
Disabling anti-malware protection - The FOPE Administration Center allowed you to disable malware filtering. In EOP, malware filtering is automatically enabled for all customers. There is no way to disable it;
Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services - If you are an Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services customer, and you use EOP to protect your on-premises mailboxes, two additional features are available to you: Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Remote Windows PowerShell administration. DLP helps you identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information in your organization through deep content analysis. Using Remote Windows PowerShell, you can manage your cloud features by running scripts from the command line. There is more information about EECAL with Services licensing and its included features in the Exchange Online Protection Overview.

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