Sunday, January 20, 2013

E-mail Recipient Number Distribution

Have you ever wondered what the distribution of the number of recipients per e-mail in your organization is?
The following script will go through every e-mail received by Exchange and group the results by the number of recipients.
Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -EventID RECEIVE -Start "07/05/2012 16:40" | ? {$_.Source -eq "STOREDRIVER"} | Select RecipientCount | Group RecipientCount | Select @{Name="Recipients"; Expression={[Int] $_.Name}}, Count | Sort Recipients

Alternatively, you can group them in batches depending on which format you want the output.
[Int] $1 = $2 = $5 = $10 = $30 = $50 = $75 = $100 = $150 = $200 = $250 = $big = 0

Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -EventID RECEIVE -Start "07/05/2012" | ? {$_.Source -eq "STOREDRIVER"} | Select RecipientCount | ForEach {
    If ($_.RecipientCount -eq 1) { $1++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -eq 2) { $2++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 2   -and $_.RecipientCount -le 5)    { $5++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 5   -and $_.RecipientCount -le 10)   { $10++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 10  -and $_.RecipientCount -le 30)   { $30++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 30  -and $_.RecipientCount -le 50)   { $50++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 50  -and $_.RecipientCount -le 75)   { $75++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 75  -and $_.RecipientCount -le 100)  { $100++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 100 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 150)  { $150++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 150 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 200)  { $200++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 200 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 250)  { $250++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 250 -and $_.RecipientCount -le 300)  { $300++ }
    If ($_.RecipientCount -gt 300) { $big++ }

Write-Host "1,                     $1"
Write-Host "2,                     $2"
Write-Host "Between 3 and 5,       $5"
Write-Host "Between 6 and 10,      $10"
Write-Host "Between 11 and 30,     $30"
Write-Host "Between 31 and 50,     $50"
Write-Host "Between 51 and 75,     $75"
Write-Host "Between 76 and 100,    $100"
Write-Host "Between 101 and 150,   $150"
Write-Host "Between 151 and 200,   $200"
Write-Host "Between 201 and 250,   $250"
Write-Host "Between 251 and 300,   $300"
Write-Host "More than 300,         $big"

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